Louise Canham


Artist Statement

Louise uses her art to explore the space between emotional subjectivity and objective appearance. Much of her research today is centred around the female gaze, and how we are taking back ownership of our bodies and how we choose to be represented. Louise explores how opening up a dialogue with herself allows her the permission to heal old wounds from her past selves.

Her mark making is fuelled by the raw layers of what it is to be human. Every lump, bump and stretch mark. The love, loss, envy, loneliness, ecstasy and everything in between of what it is to feel alive. Original pieces are often worked and re-worked, where through muscle memory and a state of flow, mark making is distilled down into its purest and most fluid form.

For Louise, drawing provides clarity, a therapy. An escape from perfectionism, and control, slipping into something more explorative, organic and unexpected.